Schools Withdraw Honorary Degrees Awarded To Trump, Guiliani

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Institutions that conferred honorary degrees on US President Donald Trump have started to withdraw them.

Following Trump’s involvement in the Capitol invasion, schools in the United States have made the decision to revoke the degrees awarded to Trump.

The board of trustees at Lehigh University, Pennsylvania, have voted to revoke an honorary degree given to Trump in 1988, as reported by Forbes.

The University of Pennsylvania also faces mounting pressure from its alumni to revoke Trump’s bachelor’s degree earned in 1968, amid threats of suspending donations to the institution.

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Trump’s lawyer Rudy Guiliani is also caught in the crosshairs of institutional backlash, as he was also stripped of his degrees by Middlebury College.

Currently, Trump faces a second impeachment, as pushed by Democrats in the House of Representatives but to be still to be decided by the Senate.

This will be Trump’s second impeachment.

On January 6, 2021, Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol in a bid to disrupt the confirmation of President-elect Joe Biden, an act that has set a number of events in motions against the US President.