SAA Rewards Winners Of Its Third Essay Competition

South African Airways

The third South African Airways (SAA) Essay Competition 2022 tournament recently took place in Lagos and has announced its winners.

This year’s essay competition had the theme “Protecting youngsters from illicit drugs and sexual abuse.”

Mr Ohis Ehimiaghe, Manager of South African Airways’ African Market, Mrs Kemi Leke-Bamtefa, Country Manager, and Mr Basil Agboarumi, Managing Director of Skyway Aviation Handling Company Plc, were among those present.

In a statement from the airline, Ehimiaghe said, “South African Airways is passionate about children and takes a lot of pride in addressing issues that affect them considering that they are the future of any nation.”

“The competition gained awareness and attracted a total of 308 entries from secondary schools in Lagos and Ogun states, representing a total of 46 schools comprising a mix of students from public, private and missionary schools.”

Eleven finalists were chosen with overall writing scores ranging from 98 per cent out of the total number of entries evaluated by an impartial panel of assessors drawing from a wide range of the aviation, educational, and media sectors.

Leke Bamtefa, the country manager for SAA, highlighted that the competition was a component of the airline’s CSR and was particularly pleased to see that participants in the competition came from the public, private, and missionary schools.

At South African Airways, we are looking for the positive side; we are enhancing, promoting the potential of Nigeria and building greater on the excellent relationship shared between Nigeria and the South.

The winners were also presented with award trophies and specially branded notebooks to the school teachers for their various schools.