Reebok’s New Star-studded Campaign is Dedicated to Celebrating Women

In its latest Be More Human campaign, Reebok is celebrating strong women who have made positive changes to the world in unique ways. It features stars like actress Gal Gadot, singer Ariana Grande, model Gigi Hadid, actress Danai Gurira, Nathalie Emmanuel, Katrin Davidsdottir and others who encourage people to “be the best possible version of themselves physically, mentally, and socially”.

Each woman tells their personal story of overcoming barriers in order to become their best self. They will also be featured alongside influential women — like Reese Scott, founder of Women’s World of Boxing; Shannon Kim Wagner, founder of the Women’s Strength Coalition; Jenny Gaither, founder and CEO of Movemeant Foundation; and Yelda Ali, found of Camel Assembly — who have built organizations that are empowering women and making history.

Ariana Grande

Grande uses her platform to promote messages of equality, inclusion and compassion for all. She is helping to transform the next generation by encouraging a world where people support each other no matter how we live. Or who we love.

Hadid knows the power of her voice and she isn’t afraid to use it. Through her actions and her social platform, she brings to life the belief that every day is a new opportunity to spread a message of love and tolerance. For yourself. And for others.

Dania Gurira

Danai is a whole new kind of hero. She has made it her mission is to create a level playing field for women and girls. Through her roles on screen, as a playwright, and her advocacy work with the One Campaign and Love Our Girls movement, Danai is a champion we can all look up to.

Gal Gadot

Gadot is a symbol of self-confidence courage and inner strength that girls of all ages can look up to. She believes that the more we are exposed to strong, inspiring role models the more we are able to transform our dreams into realities.Gadot is a symbol of self-confidence courage and inner strength that girls of all ages can look up to. She believes that the more we are exposed to strong, inspiring role models the more we are able to transform our dreams into realities.

Through CrossFit®, Davidsdottir has broken barriers and shattered preconceived notions of female power. She put her mental and physical strength on display becoming the Fittest on Earth™ in 2015 and 2016, showing the world that it is possible to compete against and inspire other women at the exact same time.

Yelda Ali

Ali wants to tap into female power by bringing together incredibly creative, conscious women to change the world. She believes that “When we are strong in body and mind and when we collaborate and support each other, only then can we find the confidence to rip up the societal script and write our own that is true to who we are.”

Shannon Kim Wagner

Powerlifting allowed Wagner to fundamentally change the way she viewed herself and her role in society. When she introduced weight training into her routine, everything changed. She began to feel powerful, in command, and like she didn’t need to shrink to be of value.

Jenny Gaither

As a spin instructor, dance and pilates teacher, Gaither spent years struggling with unrealistic body standards that led to issues with self-image and eating disorders. Her personal struggles motivated her to provide women with a platform that uses fitness and sports as a tool to build self-worth and confidence from the inside out.

Nathalie Emmanuel 

Emmanuel is a confident, perseverant woman. And she owns it. By carefully choosing strong female roles, and playing them with conviction and positivity, she’s changing the way the world views women. She’s an example of the power that comes when you embrace who you are.

Reese Scott 

By introducing women to the mind-body-spiritual transformation that boxing brought her, Scott is breaking gender barriers and helping the world see women in a new light.

Those who want to support the cause in other ways can opt to “Donate in Sweat.” People are also invited to participate via social media by posting an original photo of working out with the hashtag #BeMoreHuman. You can also choose to attend a select Reebok “Donate in Sweat” event.