POLITICS & GOVERNMENT JOBS | National Consultants at UNICEF Nigeria

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) – In September 2014 UNICEF began implementing a joint programme with UN Women on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) funded by the European Union (EU). The programme will support the Nigerian Government (Federal level), three Northern Nigerian States namely Adamawa, Gombe and Plateau and selected Local Government Areas (LGAs) to strengthen women’s leadership, advance gender equality and improve protection for women and children in conflict settings.

UNICEF is responsible for implementation of Component 2 of the programme, namely ‘to increase access to reporting mechanisms and protective services for girls and women affected by human rights abuses, including gender based violence, in 3 states of northern Nigeria”. This will entail enhancing avenues for reporting of child rights violation and Gender Based Violence in Plateau and Gombe States, strengthening access to and quality of services for children and women who have experienced violence (including gender based violence (GBV), abuse, neglect and exploitation and strengthening the information management system for collecting data on violations.

We are recruiting to fill the position of:

Post Title: National Consultant for Child Protection and Gender-Based Violence (GBV)

Vacancy number: VN-NGR-01-2016
Locations: Plateau and Gombe States
Contract Type: Special Service Agreement (SSA)
Duration: 11.5 months

Purpose of the Consultancy

  • The purpose, of this consultancy is to support Government and NGO partners (including community based groups) to strengthen reporting an response for children and women who have experienced violence, including gender based violence.
  • UNICEF is looking for two national consultants to support the implementation of the programme – one to cover Plateau State and one to cover Gombe State

Major tasks to be accomplished:

  • Support state and non-state actors to strengthen the child protection system including modelling a pilot in four Local Government Areas
  • Support the state to launch the their campaign to end violence against children and their priority responses
  • Organize framings as needed for frontline workers on child protection and GBV in Gombe and Plateau States
  • Develop a costed advocacy plan for the passing of the Child Rights Act (CRA) in Gombe State in Plateau State support the effective implementation f the Plateau State Child Rights Law (CRL)
  • In collaboration with the Child Protection Specialist in Bauchi, assist with overseeing the child protection mapping and assessment in Gombe including technical assistance for the research team help organize and facilitate validation meetings and backstop for the research team
  • Strengthen the information management system for child protection and GBV
  • Participate in any state level coordination of groups related to child protection and GBV for advocacy for child protection and GBV concerns in Gombe and Plateau States

Minimum Qualification

  • University degree in Social Science, Law or related field (Masters or equivalent level)
  • Five years experience of relevant professional work experience on child rights child protection social welfare or GBV/gender Issues”‘
  • Experience in project management
  • Excellent planning and organizational skills
  • Excellent communication skills – both oral and written
  • Familiarity with the systems strengthening approach to child protection
  • Experience in working in Plateau/Gombe

Application Closing Date
15th January, 2016.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidate should submit their applications, accompanied by updated CV’s in English and a completed United Nations Personal History Form.

Applications should be sent to: nrecruit@unicef.org Please put the position title you are applying for on the subject line of your email.



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