NSE Transactions Plunge by 40.59% in Nine Months

Foreign and Domestic transactions at the Nigerian Stock Exchange, NSE, recorded a major drop in the first nine months of the 2016 with total trading from January to September 2016 sliding by 40.59 percent from N1.6 trillion recorded within the same period in 2015 to N927.08 billion.

The bourse’s Domestic and FPI report for September also showed that total transactions at the nation’s bourse decreased by 19.49 percent from N117.71 billion recorded in August 2016 to N94.77 billion (about $0.31 billion) in September 2016.

The report stated that while both foreign and domestic activities decreased, the foreign activity decreased quicker. Although domestic investors outperformed their foreign counterparts by about 8 percent, domestic transactions decreased by 16.98 percent from N61.65 billion in August 2016 to N51.18 billion in September 2016 while FPI transactions decreased by 22.24 percent from N56.06 billion in August 2016 to N43.59 billion in September 2016.

Monthly foreign inflows decreased by 29.65 percent from N34.70 billion in August to N24.41 billion in September 2016, foreign outflows decreased by 10.21 percent from N21.36 billion to N19.18 billion within the same period.

Highlights of the transactions on the Exchange showed that institutional composition of the domestic market decreased by 19.11 percent from N38.26 billion in August to N30.95 billion in September, while the retail composition decreased by 13.51 percent from N23.39 billion in August to N20.23 billion in September.