NSE Index Dips By 1.37% As Bear Tightens Reins on Trading

Trading activities on the floor of the Nigerian Stock Exchange, NSE continued to travel farther south on Wednesday, June 8, as market retains intense bear mode.

The All-Share Index lost 377.30 points or 1.37 per cent to close at 27,098.18 compared with 27,475.48 posted on Tuesday, June 7.
Likewise, the market capitalization, which opened at N9.436 trillion, shed N130 billion to close at N9.306 trillion.

At the end of the day;s trading session, a total of 261.01 million shares worth N1.22 billion were transacted by investors in 3,591 deals.

This was in contrast with a total of 183.24 million shares valued at N2.01 billion achieved in 3,488 deals on Tuesday, June 7.


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