Nigeria’s Maiden Venture Capital Summit Holds In June


In a bid to facilitate the entrenchment of  a venture capital culture, Alfe City Company Limited with the support of the Senate Committee on Trade and Investment and the House Committee on Commerce will be organizing the Venture Capital Advocacy Summit which will hold between 28th and 30th June, 2016 in Lagos.

The summit is the maiden introduction of the concept of venture capital and it provides an avenue for interaction with international experts and seasoned investors.

According to the Chief Executive Officer, Alfe City Company,Mr.Soji Adeleye, “to say that Nigeria needs a thorough re-engineering at the moment would be an under-statement.

“Venture capitalism offers Nigeria and its universally acclaimed entrepreneurial people a new vehicle that could turn that creativity into economic power,” he added.

He said the endorsement of the summit by the National Assembly was crucial as the entrenchment of the venture capital culture in Nigeria would require legislative underpinning to guarantee the safety of investors.

Speaking on the issue of venture capital, Senator Fatimat Raji Rasakk, the Chairman, Senate Committee on Trade and Investment said: “We share the principle and objectives behind this very laudable program and recommend it to all stakeholders across the country.

“We hereby convey our commitment to work with you and other stakeholders for the success of the summit and subsequently perform our legislative responsibility to ensure a successful entrenchment of venture capitalism culture in Nigeria.

In the same vein, Rt. Hon Sylvester Ogbaga, Chairman, House of Representatives Committee on Commerce considered the summit’s objectives as very laudable.

“I wish to therefore convey the decision of the committee to collaborate with Alfe City Company Limited in that regard,” he said.