Nigeria’s Capital Inflow Slides to $5.36 billion in Q3 ’19 – NBS

Domestic Airfares Increased As Transportation Fare Reduced - NBS

The total value of capital importation into the country dropped to $5.36 billion in the third quarter of the year (Q3 2019), compared to $5.82 billion in the preceding quarter, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has stated.

The decline represented -7.78 per cent drop in foreign investment when compared to Q2 and 87.99 per cent increase compared to the third quarter of 2018.

According to the Nigerian Capital Importation – Q3 2019 report, which was released by the statistical agency Monday, the largest amount of capital importation by type was received through portfolio investment, which accounted for 55.88 per cent or $2.99 billion of total capital importation, followed by other investment, which accounted for 40.39 per cent ($2.16 billion).

Details later…