Nigerian Students have clear Goals – Universum


A research conducted by Universum Global , a world-renowned experts in employer branding, has revealed that  Nigerian students are very clear in their future goals across all industries with professional training and development ahead of their African counterparts in Business and Engineering.

The research which was conducted between November 2015 and June 2016 across the Business, Engineering/ IT, Natural Sciences, Health Medicine, Humanities, and Law sectors, further revealed that, across board, students are looking for the opportunity to be entrepreneurial and creative in the workplace.

In Nigeria, the research included  6,124 respondents at 27 universities, in Ghana 2,162 respondents at 20 universities and in Kenya 5,062 respondents at 24 universities. Results show that, overall, Nigerian students are clearer on the importance of money, success and innovation in their future career plans.

According to the research in Nigeria, there are a number of similarities with the trends in Ghana and Kenya that also highlight training and development within creative and entrepreneurial work spaces. This sub-Saharan trend contrasts with trends in Morocco that show more of an emphasis on work-life balance and opportunities for travel.

Furthermore, the report read that within the Engineering and Technology sectors there were also a number of marked changes from the 2015 research. In 2016 the trend is actually away from looking for goals such as a work-life balance (dropped from 2nd to 4th place), opportunities to be a leader, which dropped from 4th – 7th place, and to be intellectually challenged (dropped from 3rd to 5th place).  Interestingly, these students’ goals are starting to mirror their Moroccan counterparts who are looking to have international career opportunities ( rose from 6th to 3rd place.)

The research in Africa also reveals distinctive trends compared to Universum’s research in Europe and the USA.

According to Country Manager for Universum South Africa, Jenali Skuse,“Young talent in Sub-Saharan Africa have very different priorities compared to young talent in for example Europe and the USA. They are less focused on achieving work life balance and more interested in starting their own business and being the drivers of the own success.

“The implications of this for businesses are massive and those that manage to foster a sense of entrepreneurship and provide dynamic and innovative opportunities for young people are sure to be the winners in the war for talent.”

Universum’s research across Africa is highlighting a number of insights that employers looking to do business across the continent need to take into account when reaching out to talent. It is clear that although there may be similarities across regions, every country has its own unique characteristics that need to be understood.