Nigeria-Houston Oil and Gas Trade Climbs $15billion In 2015

Nigeria’s annual oil and gas trade with Houston Texas in 2015 is said to be valued at $15 billion.

The mayor of Houston, Sylvester Turner, in his special message to Nigeria’s small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and Houston’s Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in the 2016 Nigeria Content Investment Forum event in Houston Texas, said oil and gas trade between Nigeria and Houston was a success story because of their close ties.

He explained that the existing ties between Nigeria and Houston have made many oil companies to situate office branches and to have associates in Nigeria.

In his words, “330 Houston companies have businesses and trade connection with Nigeria,”  noting that Houston is ranked as Nigeria’s largest US gate way for international trade and for greater partnership.

To further strengthen Houston/Nigeria oil and gas trade, the Houston mayor said in 2011, United Airlines opened a direct flight in Nigeria from Houston to Lagos, linking two major energy cities.