Nigeria To Become Polio Free By 2017 – PMB

President Muhammadu Buhari has said it was  two years since the last case of poliomyelitis was reported in Nigeria,  stating that the next target was the certification of polio-free status in 2017 by World Health Organisation (WHO).

He directed the Federal Ministries of Health and, Information and Culture, to reinvigorate their strategies in concert with State governments, to ensure the certification by 2017.

“The next major milestone for the country is the certification of polio-free status in 2017 by the World Health Organisation. This administration remains firm in its commitment towards making this a reality by continuing to support in every way possible, routine immunization and the revitalization of primary health care system,” he said.

He noted that as a nation, Nigeria is cooperating with International public and private partners to ensure that children do not suffer from polio disease again. He said Nigeria recognised the power of global partnership to achieve a polio-free world and hence will continue to honour its commitment to ensure that the disease is wiped off the face of the earth for good.

The president recalled that in the last 14 months since his administration came into office, it had a number of challenges in the drive to eradicate polio.

He listed the downturn in the economy, the frequent disruption of services by health workers and the insecurity in some of the eleven polio high risk states, as  some of the rivers Nigeria  must cross to achieve the  objective in its drive to protect children against this vaccine-preventable disease.

“We will continue to do our best to ensure timely release of funds required for polio eradication programme. The good health and well-being of Nigerian children remain an important part of our drive to national development”

“We have demonstrated our strong commitment in this regard with the allocation of N12.6 billion in the 2016 budget for vaccines and programmes to prevent childhood killer diseases such as polio, measles, yellow fever and others,” he stated.

He said the Government will encourage leaders in the states and local governments to continue to provide direction, supervision and improved surveillance activities.