Nigerdock Completes 2.3million Oil Barrel Facility For Egina Project

Nigerdock has completed the largest in-country constructed oil facility which is set to sail to its location to accelerate oil production from one of Nigeria’s major deep water oil fields.

A deep water acreage operated by France’s oil major, Total, is located some 130 kilometre off the coast of the country at water depths of more than 1,500 metres (m).

The Egina Oil Field is one of Total’s largest ultra-deep offshore projects and the most part of the project is being developed locally to accelerate the pace of technology transfer and expand the local industrial fabric.

Nigerdock, at the weekend, announced successful completion work for the fabrication and the sail away of the Flare Tower for the Egina Floating Production Storage and Offloading, (FPSO) project for Total. The field is currently under development and production is scheduled to begin in 2018. Nigerdock was selected by Samsung/Total for critical in-country fabrication works and training services as the provider of choice.

The flare tower structure which weighs in at 732 tonnes was completed on time, loaded out and sailed away on March 24, 2016. It is one of a number of structures fabricated by Nigerdock at its Fabrication Yard on Snake Island Integrated Free Zone for Samsung Heavy Industries Egina FPSO project. The remaining works will continue through to the first quarter of 2017 as contracted.

According to the project manager, Emeka Uhara, “The fabrication for Egina was a big success being delivered on time and budget and to world class specifications. We have expended over 1.7 million man hours on the project, and it has helped generate employment for hundreds of Nigerians while also creating the opportunity for the provision of thousands of man-hours of specialised training.”