NIBSS Picks ChamsMobile as Agent Manager to Deepen Financial Inclusion

Financial Sector Loses $42bn To Fraud - NIBSS

The shared agent network project of the Central Bank of Nigeria CBN and Bankers Committee which aims to capture the BVN of 20 million unbanked Nigerians over the next 2 years has received a major boost with the recent appointment of ChamsMobile (a Chams Plc company) as agent managers.

Chams Plc is the most experienced and leading provider of identity management solutions and services in Nigeria.

Over the past 4 years Chams has worked with all major financial institutions in Nigeria, supporting them to realize the 3 million BVN records of unique Nigerians with a bank account.

With this appointment, Chams is now set to make further and substantial contribution towards the realization of the objective to register 20 million or more Nigerians.

Speaking after the event, Executive DIrector, Chams Plc, Mrs. Funke AlomoOluwa, reiterated the commitment of Chams to continue to support all participating financial institutions with their BVN registration exercise and indeed any other major institutions that require reliable identity management and verification services.

She said, “At Chams, we have a reliable and experienced network of agents who can be deployed to field at short notice and we are prepared to work with interested parties who may wish to take advantage of this new opportunities in agent banking and financial inclusion services by joining our rapidly expanding Chams Agent Network.

Chams is Nigeria’s leading provider of identity management solution having been in existence for over 33 years.