NBC Releases Guidelines For Broadcast Of Electoral Results

High Court Bars NBC From Imposing Fines On Broadcast Stations

The National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) has directed that no election results be announced before the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).

Francisca Aiyetan, director of broadcast monitoring, said in a statement released on Wednesday that the directive is intended to ensure that the media facilitates a credible electoral process.

NBC also requested that media outlets refrain from projecting or speculating on a candidate’s chances based on votes cast at polling stations or exit polls.

In accordance with the Nigeria Broadcasting Code, the commission directed that all partisan political programs and advertisements cease by Thursday.

“The National Broadcasting Commission wishes to underscore the enormous responsibility trust on broadcasters at this period and therefore calls for strict adherence to the provisions of the Nigeria Broadcasting Code and the Electoral Act in order to ensure sane airwave that will enable a free, fair, credible and transparent election,” the statement reads.

“Consequently, the commission enjoins broadcasters to note, for full compliance, the following sections of the Nigeria Broadcasting Code; the broadcaster shall ensure that the broadcast of a partisan political campaign, jingle, announcement and any form partisan party identification or symbol ends not later than twenty-four hours before polling day.

The only exception, NBC added, is when a government official may perform a service relating to his/her office within the 24-hour campaign restriction period, provided there is no colouration of partisanship by the official or the broadcaster.

“The broadcaster shall not permit any political campaign or advertisement on its facilities 24 hours preceding polling day or on polling day,” the statement reads.

“The broadcaster shall not use any vote obtained at a polling station or from exit poll, to project or speculate on the chances of a candidate.

“The broadcaster shall relay election results or declaration of the winner only as announced by authorized electoral officer for the election.

“The broadcaster is therefore by this letter advised to end all partisan political programmes by 11:59pm on Thursday 23rd of February 2023. Please be advised!”