Naira Stays at N363/$ at Parallel Market

Naira unaffected by Trump’s victory

The Nigerian Naira, on Thursday, April 19, maintained firmness against the United States of Anerica Dollar, at the parallel segment of the Nigerian Foreign Exchange Market.

The local currency, stayed at the same rate throughout the trading week at the black market, exchanging at the rate of N363 against the greenback.

Against the British Pound Sterling, the Naira exchanged at the rate of N515 and closed at the rate of N445 against the European Single Currency, Euro.

The Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN’s spot rate opened the week at N305.60/$1 and soared to N305.55/$1 on Monday but maintained this rate till the end of the week.

At the Investors and Exporters’ (I&E) Window, opened the week flat at N360/$1 and closed at the same rate by week-end.

Activity level in the Investors & Exporters forex window improved, following a 6.8 per cent increase in turnover to $1.1 billion from $1 billion traded in the previous week Read more.