McPherson University Records CPGA of 4.97 at Fifth Convocation Ceremony

McPherson University on Saturday, 14th November 2020 held its 5th Convocation Ceremony in Ogun State, releasing 92 graduates of The Noble Class;12 (First Class), 33 (Second Class Upper), 41 (Second Class Lower), 6 (Third Class).

Aduekpe Edinaeval of the Department of Accounting and Finance (Accounting Programme), emerged the overall best graduating student with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 4.97 (the highest in the last four sessions). 

With a CGPA of 4.84 is the second-best graduating student from the Department of Religious Studies. Olatunji Temilola, of the Department of Mass Communication, emerged the third best with a CGPA of 4.76.

BizWatch Nigeria recalls that on Thursday 12th, November 2020, the McPherson University held a press conference on Zoom to disclose the forthcoming fifth convocation ceremony and the programme of events outlined to celebrate eight years of existence of McPherson University.

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The last session McPherson University graduated 70 students, however, on Saturday, 12th November 2020, released 92 graduates. Twelve (12) of them made First Class Honours (13%), Thirty-three (33) are in the Second Class Upper Division (35.9%) while Forty-one (41) are graduating with Second Class Lower Division (44.6%). Others fall into the Third Class (6.5%) category.

The convocation lecture was delivered by Professor Michael Faborode was titled “Sustainable Development, Post COVID-19: Is Nigeria’s Growing Population a Curse or Multiple Blessings?” 

The Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of Governing Council, Professor James Nda Jacob gave the welcome address. The Pro-Chancellor in his address said ‘I implore all other stakeholders here physically present today or participating virtually, to come on board as we build a University where students will learn godly character, technical and relational skills to serve as leaders, role models and competent professionals.’

To the graduates the Pro-Chancellor said ‘You have all it takes to succeed in every sphere of life and I charge you in the name of the Lord, to go and impact the world you are going into. Do not compromise your faith and integrity. The Lord, Who has brought you thus far, will surely see you through and, in no distant time, we trust God to bring you back with testimonies of His faithfulness and goodness.’

In attendance of the ceremony was the General Overseer of Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria, And visitor, McPherson University, Rev. Sam Aboyeji.