Make Your Mum a Smart Phone Whiz in 7 Days (II)


Last week I went over some fun things your mum can do with her smart phone. We saw how she can use applications (or apps for short), personalise her phone and search for nearby attractions. This week we will be looking at some other features, like how mum can use her phone to help keep in shape, turn it into a portable bible, or even use it when out shopping.

Friday: Phone in your fitness

It’s Friday night. Why doesn’t your mum try some exercises with her phone–literally? Her phone can help lighten the load at the gym.

  • If she likes to go to the gym, she can use a fitness app likeCardioTrainer, which can help her build and track routines, learn new exercises, and share her results.
  • My Tracks: if she has an Android phone, she can use this app to view live statistics – such as time, speed, distance, and elevation – while walking, biking, running or participating in other outdoor activities. She can visualize them on Google Earth, or share them with fellow enthusiasts.
  • Learn a new activity, like yoga: lots of apps can help her learn new activities, like yoga–Pocket Yoga includes poses, instructions, music and more!

Saturday: See things in a new way


  • It’s the weekend, and time for some culture. Your mum can grab her phone and head to the nearest modern or traditional art market like the Artists Alliance Gallery or the Art Centre in Accra.
  • Your mum can kick up her feet and relax — she can watch some of her favorite videos on YouTube, or catch up TV or radio with theBBC iPlayer app (or similar).
  • Crack open a bottle of wine: but first, use Google Goggles for some tasting notes.
  • Stargazing: TakeGoogle Sky Map outdoors and learn more about the night sky.


Sunday: Relax!

  • Your mum can take her smart phone with her to church and look up bible verses as the pastor is preaching. Mum can download the Bible app on her Android phone. This comes with Free access to many modern English Bible translations and 150+ translations into other languages. With this app, mum can both read and listen to God’s word.
  • Your mum can take her smartphone out with you on your weekly shopping. For the travelling mum, she can use the currency converter app which is useful. She can also use the calculator app to keep track of spending while shopping.


Seven days later and your mum’s a smartphone pro!