Labour Demands Pay Increase for Workers Amid Recession

The Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, has demanded an increase in workers’ pay as the economic recession bites harder.
The NLC President,Comrade Ayuba Wabba, who spoke at the 15th Harmattan School, a training for labour leaders in Kaduna, said workers’ purchasing power had reduced and was affecting other sectors of the economy.
Wabba said unless there is a new wage regime, the contributory pension scheme (CPS) would not be a reality.

He noted that developments in the economy, such as the increase in the pump price of petroleum products, rise in prices of commodities, increased tariff on utilities, and social services have made the demand more urgent.

The fight against corruption, he said, would be more successful if workers are well paid, adding that the foot-dragging by the government in constituting a committee to deliberate on the demand was uncalled for.

The NLC Boss said the CPS would enhance life after retirement for workers. He enjoined the legislature to be fair in the passage of its bill to make it practicable and sustainable.