#IWD 2022: Pathways To Gender Equality

#IWD 2022: Pathways To Gender Equality

BizWatch Nigeria while celebrating women globally, in a bid to eradicate gender bias is organizing its fifth edition of the BizWatch Nigeria webinar themed “Women in Business: Breaking Barriers, Blazing Pathways.”

This is scheduled to hold virtually on Wednesday, March 30, 2022, at 10 AM.

International Women’s Day was celebrated on March 8th, 2022 with a focus on breaking gender bias and advocating for gender equality.

BizWatch Nigeria during its Twitter Space conversation on Wednesday 9th, March 2022 made a pledge to advocate for gender equality both home and abroad, this webinar is in line with its course providing solutions to gender bias.

Pathways to achieve gender equality

BizWatch Nigeria through its webinar will gather extraordinary and resilient female business leaders to share their barrier-breaking journeys and experiences in the corporate and entrepreneurial world.

Women and girls can thrive successfully beyond bias in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environment.

More pathways to achieving gender equality will be delivered on March 30, 2022, on BizWatch Nigeria’s webinar. Click on this link to register for the webinar.