How To Check Your N-Power Deployment Status, Print Letter

Read Latest Npower Updates 15th June 2022

How to check Npower Batch C deployment status

Follow the steps below to check your Npower deployment:


  1. Login to your dashboard with your registered Password and Email Address.

2. Click on the ‘Deployment’ button at the top side of your NASIMS profile.

3. Once clicked on the deployment button, your N-power deployment status will display.

If deployed, you will get a response below:

Congratulations!!! Dear [Applicant’s Name],
you have been deployed as N-power Batch C Beneficiary.

But if you have not been deployed, you will see the following statement:

“Dear [Applicant’s Name], you have not been deployed yet.
Please check back for the deployment information after the deployment date has been set.”

How To Print Deployment Letter

It is mandatory to print your Npower deployment letter once you have login to the portal and confirmed that you have been deployed. Npower requires all applicants in the batch c stream 1 and 2 to print their letter of their deployment from the NASIMS Portal.

Your Npower deployment or Posting Letter contains your Place of Primary Assignment and will be required of you when you show up at the centre. So it is important you have the hard copy of this letter handy and you should do so now.

To print your posting letter, simply visit any cafe and login to NASIMS Portal, then print the page that includes your PPA and Deployment information. We will provide you with more information on that much later in this article.