Hollandia No Kid Hungry Foundation Set to Champion Cause Against Child Hunger


Come May 27, 2019, the Hollandia No Kid Hungry Foundation would be reaching out to children in the internally displaced persons (IDP) camp located at Bogije community, in Ibeju Lekki, Lagos, to celebrate Children’s Day as well as World Nutrition Day marked the next day, May 28, 2019. The intention is to reach out to over 300 children at the camp who are vulnerable as a result of limited access to food.

Hollandia, the leading dairy brand in Nigeria from the stables of CHI Limited, strongly believes every child has the right to good nutrition, and has over the years, been involved in activities aimed at providing food for disadvantaged children through the Hollandia No Kid Hungry Foundation.

According to UNICEF, about 2.5 million Nigerian children suffer from severe acute malnutrition. The report further states that Nigeria has the second highest number of stunted children in the world, mostly resulting from child malnutrition and hunger.  Being a dairy brand loved by children in households across Nigeria, the Hollandia brand is passionate about children and views these facts as further impetus to battle against hunger and malnutrition among Nigerian children.

Speaking about the Hollandia No Kid Hungry Foundation, Mr Deepanjan Roy, Managing Director of CHI Limited stated that the Bogije IDP camp visit would be a notable milestone in the journey of the foundation in her drive towards alleviating child hunger and malnutrition.

He said: “As a socially responsible company, we are naturally passionate about child nutrition. And in cognizance of the unsatisfactory situation with child nutrition globally and nationally, we initiated the Hollandia No Kid Hungry Foundation as a vehicle for contributing, in our own way, towards slowing down the spiraling number of cases of hunger and malnutrition amongst children.”

He added: “When you think of these children in the IDP camps, you can imagine how many go to bed hungry every single night. Even when they get to eat, how nutritious is the food they consume? So we thought to ourselves, what better way to identify with them than on their day. So, we will be there to celebrate the Children’s Day and World Nutrition Day with them and at least put smiles on their faces.”

For the Children’s Day IDP Camp Visit, Hollandia No Kid Hungry Foundation will be collaborating with the Web of Hearts Foundation; a non-profit organization which caters for returnees and IDPs.