Getting Your Work Done On Your Android Phone


Do you ever feel like there isn’t enough time in the day? With work to do, deadlines to meet and calls to make, not to mention errands to run, family to take care of and friends to catch up with, being organised and making the most of ‘dead time’ (like the daily commute) are crucial. How much do you think your android phone can help you?

We all know that technology makes our lives easier, and while it can’t add hours to the day, it can help us maximise our time. Thanks to the latest high-tech smartphones, you don’t need to be stuck at a desk to be productive, or to manage your life. Android smartphones are ideal for getting stuff done on the go, thanks to a burgeoning library of more than 450,000 apps that can take care of everything from placing a supermarket delivery order while you’re waiting for the bus, to finishing a stack of half-read articles on the Tube. Do you know how far Android apps have come in the past few months to make it easier than ever to work from wherever you are?

Imagine re-writing a document with colleagues in Onitsha and Abuja in real time on your phone — whilst you’re in a taxi in Ikeja on the way to an important meeting. Or having a group video chat with those same colleagues from that taxi (or from anywhere else — it could even be the beach!). Thanks to Android apps (Google Drive and Google+ in this case), all of this is now a possibility. Thousands of developers are building amazing new tools that can help you be more efficient and productive, wherever you are — you’re bound to find tons of apps that can take the hard work out of your hard work.

It’s easy to plan your whole day of work and get it done efficiently and effectively just by using Android apps. Why not start the day by putting together a to-do list? Any.DO lets you create, organize and check off items on your to do list really easily. Then you could use Google Calendar to manage your diary, and that of your colleagues or family members. At the tap of a screen you can find a mutually agreeable time to schedule a meeting (much faster than sending 20 emails about the best time to meet!), keep an eye on appointments and other commitments, and avoid scheduling clashes.

Need to know how to get to your meetings? Google Maps show you where you are on the map and give you directions for taking public transport. While you’re on the bus, you can check any last minute details for your meeting in notes you’ve stored in Evernote (a personal database app), read articles you’ve saved in Read It Later (an app that lets you collect articles from around the internet and read them in a clean format).

You can also use Google Chrome to check up on any details that were in tabs you had open on your computer’s desktop — Chrome for Android easily syncs with your desktop computer. During your meeting you can take notes in a word processing app like Google Drive or Catch Notes, and then share them easily afterward. And all the while you have all your email at your fingertips in Gmail. Then finally at the end of the day, why not relax with a game of Subway Surf or Words With Friends? You’ve earned it!

These are just some of the ways that your Android smartphone can make you a productivity powerhouse while you go about your business.