Prince Debo Luwaji

Prince Debo Luwaji

Now the chickens have finally come home to roost! Our careless and absentee parents of 21st century modernity are bequeating to us monsters instead of well trained leaders! We can see right before us a picture of our future in the hands of gangsters who were products of unbriddled freedom and poor parenting!

How else do you explain young, high school girls in that distasteful bullying scene that went viral recently, with those cheerfully recording it being complicit.

Are those not our future wives and mothers, ready to breed thier likes?

The latest news is the death of a young man in the hands of some fellow undergraduates in what should have otherwise been a decent university with round the clock security that should never have allowed such prolonged assault to go undetected. Is the Chief Security officer still keeging his job? Have the other topmost officers including the Vice Chancellor been queried to ascertain the level of their understanding and readiness to perform the duty of care they owe to all the students in their charge?

It is so sad and I am more ashamed of the parents and families whose sons are involved than the gangsters themselves – whoever among them is found culpable, whose fate will be decided by the courts anyway. I have no apologies for ropping the parents in, afterall the bible in Prov.22:6 says ‘ Teach a child in the way that he should go, when he grows up he will not depart from it’.

In the days of my youth, how could my mere shadow have ever been found a kilometre near any of these scenes? What was the purpose of the weekly sermons at the church and the daily admonitions of my mother? God bless her no nonsense soul! When and where my godly parents were absent, what community of relations and neighbours could have moulded me to partake of a gang beating of a fellow student to death over even the most expensive phone? What level of barbarism!

Sometimes I wonder what the essence of our renowned religious disposition is – Christians, Muslims, whatever, if parents are still buying results for their children, some families revel in the lavish gifts of their sons and daughters which they reasonably know are proceeds of fraudulent dealings, and a pervasive rot in which many of our young ones are bereft of morals?