Energy Output by GenCos in 2019 Peaked at 32,799,114MWh – NBS

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The power generation statistics for 2019 reflected that a total of 33,448,633 MWh of energy was generated by power stations.

Privatized GenCos generated 19,692,683 MWh, IPP GenCos generated 7,798,253 MWh while the NIPP GenCos generated 5,957,697MWh. However, Egbin recorded the highest energy generation with 3,786,313MWh accounting for 11.32% while Alaoji NIPP recorded the lowest with 209,453MWh accounting for 0.63% of total energy generated in 2019.

Total Energy sent out by GenCos stood in 2019 at 32,799,114MWh - NBS
Total Energy sent out by GenCos stood in 2019 at 32,799,114MWh – NBS |

Total Energy sent out by GenCos stood in 2019 at 32,799,114MWh. Privatized GenCos sent out 19,233,151 MWh, IPP GenCos sent out 7,648,700 MWh while the NIPP GenCos sent out 5,917,262 MWh. Energy consumed by the Eleven DisCos in 2019 stood at 28,026,503 MWh, Ikeja DisCo recorded the highest energy consumption with 4,087,971 MWh accounting for 14.95% while Yola Disco recorded the lowest with 1,122,534MWh accounting for 4% of total energy consumed in 2019.

Cross Border Electricity Transactions showed that Benin and the Niger Republic were supplied a total of 1,278,344MWh and 1,048,807MWh of electricity respectively.