Election: US Imposes Visa Ban On Democracy Disruptors

Election: US Imposes Visa Ban On Democracy Disruptors

In response to certain Nigerian citizens disrupting the democratic process during the recently finished general elections in 2023, the United States has taken action to impose visa restrictions on them.

Antony Blinken, the US secretary of state, revealed this on via a statement obtained by BizWatch Nigeria Monday.

According to Blinken, President Joe Biden’s administration is dedicated to supporting democracy in Nigeria and all across the world.

Blinken said, “The United States is committed to supporting and advancing democracy in Nigeria and around the world.

“Today, I am announcing that we have taken steps to impose visa restrictions on specific individuals in Nigeria for undermining the democratic process during Nigeria’s 2023 elections cycle. These actions are specific to certain individuals and are not directed at the Nigerian people or the Government of Nigeria as a whole.

“Under Section 212(a)(3)C) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, these individuals will be subject to restrictions on visas to the United States under a policy covering those believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, undermining democracy.

“These individuals have been involved in intimidation of voters through threats and physical violence, the manipulation of vote results, and other activity that undermines Nigeria’s democratic process.

“The decision to take steps to impose visa restrictions reflects the continued commitment of the United States to support Nigerian aspirations to strengthen democracy and the rule of law.”

The US Government, however, made no mention of any of the people or groups of people believed to have tainted Nigeria’s 2023 elections.

Hamzat calls on US to disclose persons affected by the ban

The Chief Executive Officer of Connected Development (CODE), Hamzat Lawal, is requesting that the American government provide the names of those who were subject to the penalties, despite praise for the US visa ban imposed on Nigerian citizens who tainted the 2023 elections.

Lawal favored publicly humiliating those who were denied admittance into the country of North America.

He claims that disclosing the individuals’ identity implies more transparency and implies that there are repercussions for one’s behavior.

“If they had named these names, then the Nigerian people can actually also know that even if our government and some institutions are not acting, the international community are watching and have acted, particularly the American government,” he said.

“I think it would have gone a long way. Yes, I can understand that the judicial process is ongoing and maybe they are not publishing these names so they don’t interfere with that process, but I think that they owe it to the Nigerian people who are their friends and partners.”

Lawal emphasized that there were hopes that the Nigerian police, as the top law enforcement body, would have brought charges against or imprisoned individuals who interfered with the voting process.

The activist felt that people other than politicians should also be subject to visa restrictions.

“We saw private citizens, we saw former lawmakers, we saw, even, law enforcement agencies that are saddled with the responsibility to ensure peace and stability in the country who colluded with corrupt politicians and mischief-makers,” he said.

The anti-corruption campaigner believes the prohibition is “a right step that will lead to other steps by the American government,” and he or she thinks that in due course, the US would release the names.

“We should know, so that as civil society, what we’ll now do is inaugurate them in the hall of shame,” Lawal added.