Drogba To Sue Daily Mail For Libel

One of Ivory Coast’s soccer export, Didier Drogba (Footballer) said he would institute legal action against the UK news website, Daily Mail, over a story published yesterday in which his foundation was accused of diverting funds raised to help build hospitals and educate less privileged African children.

In the publication, the Daily Mail wrote that Didier’s charity, which is majorly supported by Princess Beatrice and David Beckham, was under investigation by the UK Charity Commission, after it was discovered that only 1% of the money raised for charitable works in Africa by the foundation has been used for charitable works.

According to the report – celebrities, royals and businessmen have donated more than £1.7 million to the Didier Drogba foundation, but only £14,115 have gone to what it was meant for.

The Drogba Foundation has been accused of declining to reveal whether the star paid UK income tax on these sponsorship payments, made over six years, while he was with Chelsea and living in a £7 million mansion in Surrey.

Last night, the Charity Commission launched an urgent probe after been handed a dossier of evidence by Daily Mail.

The Charity Commission’s Chief operating officer, David Holdsworth, said it has ‘serious concerns’ and would urgently investigate whether the charity had ‘provided misleading information to donors and the public’.

Rob Wilson, Minister for Civil Society, also said the allegations were ‘extremely worrying’.

Specialist forensic accountants who analysed the documents on behalf of Daily Mail said it was ‘crystal clear’ that ‘virtually nothing’ raised in the UK by the foundation has been spent on charitable activities.

The revelations would also be a serious embarrassment to the UN which praised the foundation on its website and made Drogba, who enjoyed iconic status across Africa, one of its Goodwill Ambassadors in 2007. The UN has also vowed to investigate the claims.

Daily Mail stated that among the things it found out during its investigation was how the charity: -Raised more than £1.7 million in the UK over five years, but spent just 0.8 percent of this on good causes; how it claimed to be funding the construction of an hospital and up to five other clinics, but has built only one clinic, which has no staff or medical equipment.

Until last year, it had an Ivorian FIFA executive, who was later questioned by police on allegations of bribery, as one of its three trustees.

Drogba in his statement said these allegations are untrue and that he would continue with his charitable works.

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