Digital Identity Companies Launch Data Verification Providers’ Association

NITDA Aims For 95% Digital Literacy In Nigeria By 2030

The digital identity companies in Nigeria have launched the Association of Data verification Service Providers (ADVSP).

Chairman Olutunji Oluwole, in a statement noted that some of the association’s objectives acted as point of call for background checkers and data verification service providers in Nigeria.

According to him, the objectives included growing and maintaining the verification service industry in Nigeria, which incorporated the data and identity verification ecosystem and relatable industries.

“Others are to liaise with government on data verification service providers’ matters affecting the data verification service industry in Nigeria,” he said.

Oluwole added that the association would serve as a platform supporting innovations and facilitating collaborations between stakeholders – whether in regulatory, operator, or related professional roles.

“Digital identity is at the heart of Nigeria’s ongoing pivot towards a digital economy. It is therefore imperative for stakeholders within the sector to brace up to the demands of the emerging system by providing professional and ethical frameworks for standardised service delivery.

“As an industry, we are optimistic that the Association will serve as a platform for engagement both within and across the ecosystem aimed at building a virile digital identity infrastructure for the country.”

A trustee of the association, Gbenga Odegbami, explained that data verification was a rapidly growing industry in Nigeria, saying they were optimistic that the association was the right step towards growth.