Despite Interventions, Six Million Electricity Consumers On Estimated Billing

Ibadan DisCo Announces Relaunch Of MAPS

Despite interventions and funding channeled to the distribution of prepaid meters across the country, about six million electricity consumers are still being given estimated billing.

A report by the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) in January this year had put the number of meters contracted through the Meter Asset Providers scheme (MAPS) and National Mass Metering Programme (NMMP) at 7,588,972, indicating that over 7.5 million customers will be needing prepaid meters had the time.

However, The PUNCH gathered from the Federal Ministry of Power on Tuesday that the deployment of meters through the NMMP had risen to 750,000.

A combination of meter deployment by both schemes showed that about 1.26 million meters had been deployed out of the over 7.5 million unmetered customers captured by the NERC.

Operators in the sector explained that the deployment of meters this year was basically through the NMMP, as the MAP scheme was not fast in meter provision.

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The National Mass Metering Programme, funded by the Central Bank of Nigeria, was instituted in September 2020 to increase the rate of metering through the provision of free meters.

The Meter Asset Providers scheme, on the other hand, took effect on April 3, 2018, introducing meter providers as a new set of service providers in the Nigeria Electricity Supply Industry.

This came as power distributors told our correspondent that meters provided under Phase Zero of the NMMP had so far been deployed to customers.

They stated that many Discos currently lacked meters as only a few were on ground for distribution to the over six million unmetered power users nationwide.

“Under Phase Zero, they (government) had a particular number that they gave to each Disco and the target was to provide about one million meters,” an official with the Association of Nigerian Electricity Distributors, who pleaded not to be named as he was not authorised to speak on the matter, said.

The official added, “Ikeja Disco received over 100,000 meters; Ibadan Disco also got over 100,000 meters; while some others got about 90,000 meters, as the allocations were based on the Disco.”

Explaining how the free meters under Phase Zero of the NMMP were acquired, the ANED official stated that the government worked with meter manufacturers to know their respective capacities.