Colloidal Silver: Uses, Risks and Benefits

Colloidal Silver: Uses, Risks and Benefits

Colloidal silver is an alternative therapy. It contains tiny pieces of pure silver. The constituents are demineralized in water or any other form of liquid. This is then sold as a commercial product for oral use. You can check a guide on how to make colloidal silver here.

Colloidal silver can serve as an antibacterial agent and can sometimes be used to dress wounds. There are other health functions colloidal silver can perform. They include: treating cold, infections and diseases in some cases cancer and even HIV. 

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Colloidal silver is a well-known product used in health circles. However, it comes with some form of controversy as it is not encouraged in all quarters. In previous years, the food and drug administration did not emphasize the health benefits of the product but rather highlighted the risks associated with it.

Yes, colloidal silver is very helpful, it, however, has some risks associated with its use, let’s check out these risks and see how they can be addressed. 

Silver sometimes interferes with how other drugs are absorbed by your body. For example, if you take antibiotics for an infection that you have, taking colloidal silver alongside can reduce the potency of the antibiotics; however, if you want to address the situation, you can take a lesser dose of colloidal silver. 

This emphasizes the strength of the antibiotic and you get better. Another risk associated with the product is that you could get the condition called Argyria. It is a form of skin discolouration. If you are predisposed to this after taking silver then you should reduce the intake.

Every product has its pros and cons, however, a good product will have more pros than cons. Same in this case, colloidal silver has a lot of benefits and advantages associated with it. Colloidal silver is a natural mineral that was used way before the invention of antibacterial soaps. It contains antimicrobial properties that help fight germs. It is still used today to kill germs and bacteria. 

It also serves as a great deodorant. Additionally, it treats yeast infections and helps to prevent eczema from spreading. Colloidal silver is also good to treat sore throat and other infections in the body. 

This product is well used in hospitals and health centres especially for wound care/dressings. It aids the healing of skin wounds and injuries. For those who manufacture beauty and health products, colloidal silver can be very helpful. It is used to make disinfectants, hand sanitizers, antibacterial spray and wound care sprays. These products help to maintain good personal hygiene, this is very good and should be encouraged.

Some other benefits of colloidal silver are:

It is an ingredient used to treat acne and other skin issues

It helps to treat conjunctivitis in newborns. It is sometimes used as an eye drop formula to treat this. 

Colloidal silver is a widely used product. It has quite a lot of benefits, however, one must take adequate precaution when using it. That is why it is advised to be taken under medical recommendation. It is mostly used for medical purposes, it can also be used for beauty purposes. All in all, it is a good product.