Benin Disco Set To Install Additional 100,000 Meters

Benin Electricity Distribution Plc, BEDC, said it plans to install additional 100,000 meters for domestic and commercial customers in 2016, in a bid to address the metering gaps existing across various customer classes.

Speaking at a press briefing during the 7th Monthly Power Pector Stakeholders Meeting, which it hosted at the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN), along Sapele road, Benin, Edo State, the firm said it would strive to achieve 100 per cent metering of all industrial and Maximum Demand (MD) customers by November ending.

BEDC Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, Mrs. FunkeOsibodu said the firm will also achieve the metering of at least 2,000 distribution transformers in order to adequately account for energy billing to customers.

“The company has been proactive in installation of meters having installed over 120,500 meters since takeover of the company. We have taken advantage of both the industry CAPMI Scheme and own funded meters. More than 25,000 out of these have been installed this year alone,” Mrs. Osibodu who was represented by the Chief State Head, Edo, Engr. Fidelis Obishai, was quoted to have said in a statement yesterday.

She noted that the firm has also commenced some projects to ensure the health of the customers’ meters including 100 per cent recertification and rectification of existing MD customers; massive meter sealing exercise for domestic and commercial customers, prepaid meters recertification and rectification exercise, and shifting meters from customer premise to external visible locations.

Speaking on enforcement and network monitoring team, she said the objective was to ensure that connections to the network were in line with safety standards, and to ensure only paying customers were on the network, and that by-pass or illegal connections were not allowed on the network.