Auto Policy Is Leading To Job Losses – Group

On the 20th of June, the Federal Government reviewed the National Auto Policy in order to set an effective framework and incorporate suggestions offered by local automakers and stakeholders.

However,  the National President, National Council of Managing Directors of Licensed Customs Agents (NCMDLCA), Lucky Amiwero, has said the current automotive policy has reduced the workforce in the maritime sector by 70 per cent.

In a letter to President Muhammadu Buhari, a copy of which was made available to our source , Amiwero called on the Federal Government to review the policy, due to its negative impact on the economy.

“The impact associated with the implementation of the auto policy is as follows: the diversion of cars carrying vessel to neighbouring West African ports as a result of high tariff on imported vehicles; and the reduction of the maritime workforce by 70 per cent, which affects mostly licensed customs agents, importers, dealers and Nigerians abroad,” he said.

According to Amiwero, the reduction of activities by 70 per cent in the operation of terminal operators who pay the Federal Government based on cargo, through earnings and shipping companies, has drastically affected their activities.

“Other effects of the policy include the mass movement of Nigerians to neighbouring countries to handle shipment of the diverted vessels; the huge loss of revenue due to government from import duty; the high cost of purchasing vehicles in the country due to the increase of tariff to 35 per cent/70 per cent on almost every imported vehicle,” he noted.