Apple Marks ‘Earth Day’ With New Themes, Motifs

Tech giant Apple has created new themes and motifs for on its 27 most popular apps to help raise environmental consciousness as the world marks the ‘Earth day’, using its millions of customers.

Apple planned to run ‘Apps For Earth,’ in partnership with the World Wildlife Fund, for ten days from April  14 and end April 24. Friday, April 22 has been fixed as the world’s Earth Day.

During this run, popular games like Angry Birds 2, Jurassic World: The Game, and Sim City Build It, would all have ecologically minded twists and each time one of the 27 apps involved was purchased, the proceeds would go to support the World Wildlife Fund in order to bolster the foundation’s climate and environmental initiatives.

Proceeds from this initiative could be one of the largest conservation fund-raising efforts ever.