Apapa, Brass, Bonny Island Hotspot For Crime, Says IMB

Apapa, Brass, Bonny Island Hotspot For Crime, Says IMB
Apapa, Brass, Bonny Island Hotspot For Crime, Says IMB

Apapa in Lagos, Brass in Bayelsa and Bonny Island in Port-Harcourt have been identified as hotspots for criminal activities, accordinb to the International Maritime Bureau (IMB).

The first quarter report also described the Gulf of Guinea as the world’s piracy hotspot.

“Nigeria (Lagos-Apapa, Off Bayelsa-Brass, and Bonny Island-Port Harcourt): Pirates/robbers are often well armed and violent. They have attacked, hijacked, robbed ships and kidnapped crews along far from the coast rivers, anchorages ports, and surrounding waters.

“Incidents have also been reported up to about 200 nautical miles from the coast. Generally, all waters in or off Nigeria remain highly risky.

“Vessels are advised to be vigilant as many incidents may also have gone unreported; kidnapping for ransom remains the biggest risk for crews.

“Vessels are advised to take additional measures in these high-risk waters. In the past, tankers were also hijacked and part cargo stolen (gas oil).”

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