National Assembly Joint Committees Move for Passage of NEPAD’s Bill


Following the successes recorded from the African Union Development Agency-New Partnership for Africa’s Development/African Peer Review Mechanism (AUDA-NEPAD/APRM) Second Peer Review Process, the Joint Committees of the Senate and House of Representatives on NEPAD have moved for the passage of the agency’s draft bill, increased funding, effective partnership and promotion of regional integration in a bid to strengthen the agency for effective service delivery in the actualisation of its agenda 2063.

This was gathered at a legislative round-table discussion on the ongoing Second Africa Peer Review of the Federal Republic of Nigeria organised by the Joint Senate and House Committees on Cooperation, Integration in Africa and NEPAD held yesterday at the National Assembly.

The meeting was chaired by the Chairman, Senate Committee on NEPAD, Chimaroke Nnamani, who represented the Senate President, Dr. Ahmed Lawan.

Also in attendance was the Chairman, House Committee on NEPAD, Rt. Hon. Mohammed Umar Bago; Chairman of the National Governing Council of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), Senator Abba Ali; members of the Senate and House Committees on NEPAD and the National Governing Council of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM).

Speaking at the round-table, Senator Nnamani commended the leadership of AUDA-NEPAD Nigeria led by Princess Gloria Akobundu, national coordinator/CEO NEPAD Nigeria and Senator Abba Ali, chairman of the National Governing Council of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM).

“The APRM has been one of the NEPAD’s most successful programmes in encouraging good governance and democratisation in Africa. It’s an accountability method peculiar to African countries in reviewing each other’s governance and holding them accountable,” he said.

Also speaking, Chairman, House Committee on NEPAD, Hon. Mohammed Umar Bago, commended President Muhammadu Buhari for his commitment in promoting good governance through the endorsement of the Second Review of Nigeria.

He also reiterated the need to strengthen the agency for effective service delivery through passage of the bill, increased funding, effective collaboration among others.