NCS Records N3.1 Trillion Revenue in 3 Years

Nigerian Customs

The Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) said it collected N3.1 trillion revenue for the country in the last three years.

Customs spokesman, Joseph Attah said in Abuja on Tuesday that the revenue was collected in 2016, 2017 and 2018.

Attah said the service realised N898.8 billion in 2016, N1.037 trillion in 2017 and N1.2 trillion in 2018.

He said within the period under review, about 16,049 seizures of various commodities were made by NCS commands across the country.

Giving a breakdown, the spokesperson said 5,925 items were seized in 2016, 4,889 impounded in 2017 and 5,235 in 2018.

“The implementation of the presidential mandate to restructure, reform, and raise revenue by the present management of NSC has greatly repositioned the service for better.

“What is challenging but being gradually achieved is the reform of persons, especially the need for attitudinal change on the part of operatives and stakeholders.

“Today in the service, there is an increasing disposition to place national interest above self,” he said.

Attah noted that the establishment of the Customs Police Unit with the responsibility to check acts of indiscipline and other vices was fast turning customs into a national example for service delivery.

He said that suppression of smuggling remained the most challenging aspect of Customs’ functions as anti-smuggling operations were seen differently by many people who still regarded smuggling as a business not crime.

“The challenges being faced by the Service in addressing smuggling are porous borders, non-cooperative attitude of some border dwellers and lack of proper implementation of the ECOWAS protocol on transit by people from neighboring countries.

“Others are use of motorcycles and animals to smuggle items through difficult terrains,” he said.