U.S Politician Raises $4million for Vote Recount in 3 U.S States

United States Green Party presidential candidate, Jill Stein has made a major push to raise $4.5 million to pay for vote recount in three critical battleground states that cost Hillary Clinton the election.

Stein launched an online funding page Wednesday, hoping to raise the money by next week so recount efforts can begin immediately in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania — three states that provide enough electoral votes (46) to give Clinton the victory, UPI reports.

As at Thursday, November 24, 4pm Washington D.C Time, $3.962 million has been raised. The target is $4.5million.

The campaign has already paid for the recount in Wisconsin. And with the way donors are pouring money into it, it is likely the entire money will be ready today.

“Congratulations on meeting the recount costs for Wisconsin! Raising money to pay for the first round so quickly is a miraculous feat and a tribute to the power of grassroots organizing”, Stein said.

“Now that we have completed funding Wisconsin’s recount (which is due on Friday), we have begun to tackle the funding for Pennsylvania’s recount (due Monday). Then we will focus on raising funds for Michigan’s recount (due Wednesday),” she added.

Computer scientist J. Alex Halderman wrote in a blog post.”The only way to know whether a cyberattack changed the result is to closely examine the available physical evidence … in critical states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania,”

“Unfortunately, nobody is ever going to examine that evidence unless candidates in those states act now, in the next several days, to petition for recounts.”

Although voting is not done over the Internet, computer experts have said it’s possible malware could have been uploaded to voting machines when the digital ballots were installed.

Trump beat Clinton in all three states, but by small margins — less than 10,000 in Michigan, 23,000 in Wisconsin and 70,000 in Pennsylvania,