Chinese Firms Indicate Interest In Ajaokuta Steel

Ajaokuta Steel Company

A Chinese group of firms have indicated interest to the Federal Government in acquiring Ajaokuta steel company.

The group of companies which is into mining, exploration, financing, provision of technologies, commodity exchange and minerals product, have indicated their interest to the Minister of State for Solid Minerals, Hon. Abubakar Bwari.

Bwari who met with the group yesterday in his office stated that the government is ready to woo investors into the solid minerals sector.

A statement endorsed by Assistant Director (Press) Ministry of Solid Minerals Development, Rhoda Iliya explained that Bwari restated the Federal Government’s determination to encourage and partner with genuine local and foreign investors to develop the solid minerals sector in the country.

He said government was ready to assist and cooperate with any investor in the solid minerals sector and necessary enabling environment has been provided for the smooth operations in the sector.

He told the group who indicated interest in investing in the sector to submit a detailed presentation on areas of interest for the benefits of the parties involved.