73rd UN General Assembly to hold in New York Next Week

73rd UN General assembly

The 73rd session of the UN General Assembly will gather world leaders next week in New York.

The General Assembly will host more than 140 state and government heads from around the world during the coming week.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will represent his country at the high-level meetings that will start on Sept. 25.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese leader Xi Jinping and German Chancellor Angela Merkel will not be present at the summit. The three countries are expected to be represented at the ministerial level.

Myanmar’s de-facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi — who remains silent on crimes against humanity on Rohingya in the Rakhine State of Myanmar despite calls from the international community — will not attend the summit as well.

This year’s theme of the UN General Assembly meetings is “Making the United Nations Relevant to All People: Global Leadership and Shared Responsibilities for Peaceful, Equitable and Sustainable Societies”.

Between Sept. 25 and Oct. 1, the leaders will deliver their speeches.

The first country to address the meeting will be Brazil.

The second address will be done by U.S. President Donald Trump as the host of the event.

Turkey’s Erdogan will be the fourth leader to address the assembly. On the sidelines of the meetings, Turkey’s first lady Emine Erdogan will also host an event on strengthening women and girls in Africa.

Trump to chair UN Security Council for 1st time

After threatening to “totally destroy” North Korea during his speech at the General Assembly last year, Trump is expected to target Iran this year.

Trump will also chair the session on Iran on Sept. 26. The U.S. chairs the council’s presidency for the month of September.

Although Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s participation in the 73rd General Assembly meetings was officially announced, there is increasing pressure on Rouhani not to go to New York.

Financing the UN 2030 Agenda for sustainable development will be discussed at high-level meetings.

UN reform demands that have been frequently voiced by many countries — particularly Turkish President Erdogan, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and UN General Assembly President for the 72nd session Miroslav Lajcak – are expected to be raised by the heads of state and government this year as well.

Many UN member countries demand reforms in the UN, saying it does not reflect the realities of the 21st century.