5 Ways Business Mums Can Travel With Ease

Managing a family and business travel can be difficult for anyone but it is more challenging for women. This is because these days quite a number of women are working either for themselves or to support their family. It is even more demanding if your job requires you to travel. Jumia Travel, the leading online travel agency shares ways to help business mums travel with ease.

Create a schedule

If you do not want your child’s routine to be disrupted while you’re away, ensure you create a schedule that whoever is looking after your children can easily and strictly follow. You can create the schedule using Google doc.

Leave contact information

Make sure that anyone who is looking after your children has a list of phone numbers and email addresses for anyone they might need to contact in case of an emergency or if and when you are unreachable. It may be the contact information of your friends, neighbours, husband or family members.

Have important contact numbers

Check your phone if you have important contact numbers on your phone. If you do not have the contacts, ensure you get them before you leave. This will enable you to stay in touch. If you can, have a phone book for all your numbers.

Stay in touch

With the diverse technology available today, there are so many ways you can stay in touch. This is because many messaging apps now have video features. You have Skype, BBM and WhatsApp at your disposal. With these messaging apps, you can easily connect with your loved ones wherever you are in any part of Nigeria as far as there is the internet.

Travel with your family

Depending on where your business takes you, consider taking your family along. You should do this if you do not want to leave your kids with caregivers. It may be your sister or partner who has enough time on their hands to stay with the kids while you’re working.

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