5 Things To Do Before Going To Church

5 Things To Do Before Going To Church

Church service tends to take long. The advert of COVID-19 encouraged Churches to stream their services online, so as to reach all their members both home and abroad. There are some things that you should do before going to Church so as to reduce your workload.

Here are 5 things to do before going for Church service


Have breakfast before going for service, you would not want to go to Church hungry or deal with hunger in Church. When you are hungry, your focus tends to shift. It is advisable to eat beofre going for service, except your Church requires you to come for service without eating.

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How long does your service last? What time do you close from Church? Are you usually tired and hungry after service? Try to make food/your lunch before you leave. When you have your food ready, it reduces your stress ad you are able to eat and rest after service. Imagine having to cook after coming back form a long Church service. Stressful, right?

Clean your house

Clean your house and wash your plates before you go. You would not want to deal with it when you get back.

Lay Your Bed

After a long service and dealing with traffic, all you might want to do is rest or sleep; you can not have this if your bed is filled with clothes or makeup. Having a smooth bed helps you rest well. Try to straighten your bed before you set out.

Lock your doors and turn off all electrical appliances

It is highly important that you lock your doors and turn off your electrical applicances before you go out either to Church or anywhere.