4 Signs That You Have Nomophobia

There are different types of phobias in the world and one phobia that may have resulted from technological advancement is Nomophobia – the fear of being without mobile contact.

The use of internet enabled smartphones has made this device readily available to many Nigerians. At present, many sociologists and parents are concerned about the rate at which young people cling to their phones all through the day. In line with this, Jovago.com, Africa’s No 1 hotel booking portal shares four signs that you may have nomophobia.

You have nightmares about your phone
When you start having nightmares about phones, it may be  a pointer to nomophobia. This is because dreams are a reflection of your innermost thoughts. If it is possible, give yourself a break from your phone and watch the dreams fade away.

You wake up at night to browse
There is nothing wrong with waking up in the middle of the night to browse social media and news websites  but if it becomes a habit, you should check yourself.

No Phone signal can make hysterical
It is unbearable for some people to be offline for a second and so, when the data network fluctuates, they are angered. As a result, they put a call through to the customer service provider to complain and rant. If you do this often, you may not be far away from nomophobia.

You take your phone to the bathroom
What is your phone doing with you in the bathroom?! Normally, if you want to have your bath, your phone should not be with you. However, if it has become a part of you, you will take it everywhere you go even the bathroom.