1Market Aims to Woo 1 million Local Manufacturers to Transact with Global buyers on its Online Platform

To help in growing the Nigerian economy and create jobs by closing the gap between manufacturers of Made-in-Nigeria products and global buyers, 1market.ng is shopping for one million manufacturers and distributors of made-in-Nigeria products across the country through its affiliate partners programme.

1Market is a pioneering B2B, B2C online marketplace, specialising in bridging the gap between global buyers and Nigerian suppliers, as well as creating an accessible ecosystem for showcasing, marketing and selling exclusively Made-in-Nigeria products.

The scheme gives the participants the opportunity to conveniently work from any location with a smart phone, tablet or computer system and earn a living.

The project manager of 1market.ng, Enyika Iheanyichukwu, who spoke at the unveiling of the programme in Lagos recently told newsmen that it was a scheme that gives freedom to work at your pace and convenience, while having guaranteed payment.

According to him, the affiliate programme is a channel through which individual and companies can get paid by signing up vendors for 1market or selling 1market.ng products.

“The scheme has created the largest Made-in-Nigeria e-Commerce platform and is signing up over 1,000,000 manufacturers and distributors of Exclusively Made-in-Nigeria Products across the 36 states of Nigeria and Abuja”, he explained.

 By registering a Made-in-Nigeria manufacturer/distributor, the scheme, according to him, gives many benefits which include getting paid for registering manufacturers, earning commission by selling 1Market’s products, support from professional team, product catalogue with more than 5,000,000 selling products, among other benefits.

He said once a partner completes form for pre-selection, a date would be communicated accordingly for training via a registered email.

Noting that the program would create jobs for Nigerians, he said that, “Nigerian people spending Nigerian Naira on Nigerian products equals Nigerian jobs. These jobs are the foundation of a thriving economy.

“If every Nigerian spent an extra N3.33 on Nigerian-made products, it would create almost 10,000 new jobs. And, if every builder used just five per cent more Nigerian-made products, it would create 220,000 jobs.

“When you buy Nigerian-made products, the proceeds remain in the Nigeria economy. The money you spend then pays the workers, that directly or indirectly created the product you purchased.

“When workers spend their money on Nigeria-made products, the Naira continues to be recycled. Every Nigerian worker also pay taxes on wages earned in Nigeria.

“Importing countries have little or non-existent regulations or standards for working conditions. By keeping our Naira in Nigeria, we are not supporting these horrible working conditions, especially long hours, exploitation of children, extremely low wages, among others.”