2.5m Nigerian Children Malnourished – UNICEF

The United Nation International Children Fund (UNICEF) has said that more than 2.5 million Children in Nigeria are currently suffering from severe acute malnutrition and called on media practitioners to sustain the campaign against child malnutrition in their different states.

The Chief of Communication, UNICEF, in Abuja, Doune Porter, revealed this in Owerri, Imo state during a media dialogue on Child Malnutrition with the theme: “Good Nutrition-An Investment for the Future.”

Porter stated that Community Based Management of Acute Malnutrition is currently being implemented in 12 states, adding that in 2015, 400,000 children received CMAM services while 77,000 lives were saved.

She stated that severe acute malnutrition could be prevented in Nigeria by not giving children between 0-6 months water during exclusive breast feeding.

Other measures according to UNICEF include preparing nutrient-rich food for children immediately after exclusive breast feeding, giving 3-4 meals and 1-2 snacks daily to children above 6 months and proper washing of hands and utensils after use to avoid diseases.