Power Supply Plunges by 4,446Megawatts

FG To Move Forward With Plans To Sell Off 5 Power Plants

Power supply slumped by 4,446Megawatts at the weekend following attacks on gas pipelines by various militant groups in the Niger Delta region.

Following the activities of the vandals, the Nigeria System Operator, SO, of the Transmission Company of Nigeria, TCN, could only send out 2,902Mw to the 11 electricity distribution companies, DisCos, the Nation reports.

The Nigeria Electricity Supply Industry, NESI, on its website on Tuesday,July 26 said there was no water constraint on the day in review. It however, noted that the electricity sector which recorded 214Mw line constrain, lost an equivalent of N2,237,000,000.

It said; “On July 24, 2016, average power sent out was 2902Mwh/hour (up by 43 Mwh/h). The reported gas constraint was 4446Mw. The reported line constraint was 214MwW. The water management constraint was 0Mw. The power sector lost the estimated equivalent of N2,237,000,000 on July 24, 2016 due to constraints.”

Without constraints, the electricity market would have supplied 7,562Mw to DisCos but the gas and line glitches keep holding down the power sector.

The NESI had said on July 17, 2016, average power sent out was 2670Mwh/hour (down by 100 Mwh/h). The reported gas constraint was 4200Mw. The reported line constraint was 438Mw.

The water management constraint was 0Mw. The power sector lost the estimated equivalent of N2,226,000,000 on July 17, 2016 due to constraints.”


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