Kaduna Refinery Kick Starts Production At 68% Capacity

The Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company (KRPC) has commenced production with 68% of its installed capacity.

The General Manager, Public Affairs, Alhaji Mohammed Abdullahi Idris, said: “We have started production in the plant and loading of fuel for the public will start on Friday.

“We are now producing at 68 per cent of installed capacity. We are very confident that the level of production will address the level of scarcity of the product in the public when supply from the plant begins.

“Production will not come up holistically, it will come up gradually until the optimum level is achieved. It is one unity that has been re-streamed. And gradually, the level is going to go up. We don’t hope for any stoppage again as production has started.”

Also there are speculations that the Warri Refining and Petrochemical Company (WRPC) has not started producing fuel but only producing diesel and kerosene.


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