Golden Terra Soya Oil Encourages Healthy Life

Golden Terra Soya Oil Encourages Healthy Life

The producers of Golden Terra Vegetable Oil, Tropical General Investment, have stated that a variety of Nigerian consumers’ health is prioritized in their new brand, Soya Oil.

The company said in a statement that the brand was also providing accessible and cost-effective options for everyone.

Probal Bhattacharya, the Chief Marketing Officer of Tropical General Investment Group, claimed that the company catered to customers who were aware of their health.

“Through Golden Terra Soya Oil, we are able to provide for a group of customers who choose to use healthy cooking oil in their homes. We think the brand will become essential in most kitchens in Nigeria due to its tremendous health benefits,” he said.

According to Bhattacharya, the brand is well-known for having five times the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.

He claims that PUFA (a fatty acid containing more than one double bond) is the kind of fat that is beneficial for heart health.

Mrs. Lilian Onyeabor, a customer, was quoted saying she switched to soy oil after discovering it was packed with the nutritional and health benefits for her family need.

Mrs lillian said,”Growing up in a household where both of my parents are health professionals has had an impact on my desire to lead a healthy lifestyle. Because soy oil has so many health advantages, I choose to utilize it for my family”.

“After doing a little research and reading the nutritional information on the packs of the majority of cooking brands, I found that Golden Terra Soya has all the nutritional and health benefits I require for the wellbeing of my family. The oil doesn’t froth and doesn’t leave a taste in my meal”, she insisted.