Buhari Lauds Nigeria-India Bilateral Ties

President Muhammadu Buhari has described the relationship between Nigeria and India as “worthy and mutually beneficial.”

Making the assertion when he received the outgoing Indian High Commissioner to Nigeria, B.N Reddy, at a farewell audience at the State House Monday, the President recalled that he had his military staff college training in India in the early 1970s, and commended the country for managing its multi-party democracy quite well.

President Buhari noted that in spite of its huge population, the country had managed its security and economy efficiently, adding that, “There is steadfast improvement.”

The High Commissioner, who spent two-and-a-half years in Nigeria, said it was a pleasurable experience for him and his family, adding: “We depart with heavy hearts. We had a rewarding time. You are a country of great diversity, and we enjoyed our stay here.”

Reddy said he was glad that the relationship between the two countries had been deepened in recent years, noting that India is Nigeria’s largest trading partner.

He commended the economic diversification policy of the Buhari administration, and pledged that India would remain “a developing partner.”