How The Next Elections Can Affect France/Africa Relations (I)

Dr. Mehenou Amouzou

From the slavery that lasted a little more than four centuries, to the colonization and independence tailored to sculptor African countries, Africa has supposedly passed from a “primitive state to an alleged modern state of today.”

This is at least the point of view of the colonialist, who thus justifies the necessity of colonization, whose balance is negative. (The mass murder of the African people, the deportation of hundreds of thousands of young Africans, the maintenance of the whole continent under diktat, Etc.)

This brutality, which results in constant sabotage and pillage, continues to be perpetrated by a few wrists of Africans who are unconscious. Deprived of any critical spirit, ethics and the very essence of the African man, who by nature respects his neighbor, the environment and community work, these wrists of individuals are for the most part Politicians who have no legitimacy because they are not democratically elected and the development of their countries is not at all their priority.

An Asian businessman said that the difference between an Asian and an African dictator is that the Asian dictator loves his people and participates in its development. The African dictator does not like his people.

They deprive their people and accumulate the wealth of their country in foreign banks. These funds deposited in the banks of the West promote the financing and supporting of the Western economy whilst at the same time driving their own countries into despair and an economic slump.

After more than fifty (50) years of independence, it is clear that African countries can no longer rely on their leaders who have largely demonstrated incompetence and an inability to lead their countries. It is undeniable today that even during the time of the African kingdoms; African people lived better and were more in harmony with the environment. It is the “modern states” introduced by colonization that have had disastrous consequences on the social, political and economic life of Africans.

France is not the only nation to have practiced the trade of slavery and / or colonization. Almost all European countries have done so and the methods used are almost identical. However, other countries do not fully capture the wealth of the colonized countries. They arrange to grant a small margin of freedom to the people thus giving them the illusion that they are free even though they are controlled both culturally and socially almost all of the time. Whilst at the same time, France controls 100% all sectors of social-economic life and this, with the complicity of some people willing to sacrifice their country for French interests.

We give this alert because the current economic crisis is very serious and spares no country. Africa can no longer be governed by men deprived of all common sense who leave their populations cut off in the crossing of the Mediterranean.

Everyone knows the reason for the exodus to Europe but currently to the African people it does not matter. The drama is that the West has no interest in finding a solution because it is itself the source of the problem. The serious crisis that is placing the great powers on their knees has been predictable for the past several years but is simply and conveniently overlooked.

The governments are prohibited from borrowing interest-free money from central banks, and are reliant on borrowing from financial markets and with interest. Those who are the governments being the same people who control the financial markets, all for their own benefit.

The French people do not know nor do they want to accept that beautiful France is clinically deceased. Everyone is waiting for the imminent announcement of the economic death of France. What is really sad is that the public at large appear to be burying their heads in the sand with reference to how the financial crisis has occurred when it’s staring them right in the face. The French economists who are qualified to carry out such crisis analysis in any event there are disastrous consequences on African countries.


The economic situation in France has now exceeded the limit at which the situation could have been politically acceptable and manageable. From this point on, it appears impossible to straighten the trajectory. At the moment other international events hide the red melting pot of France. Examples include the election of Donald Trump to the US presidency, Syria and the Middle East, the Brexit of the European Union.

France’s debt-to-GDP ratio is above 100% and to stabilize it requires growth of at least 3% per year which hasn’t been reached in a decade. Mr. Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank, in July 2012 said that France was “too big to fail”, and that he would do “whatever it takes” to save the Euro; then in January 2016, he claims its stock capacities had “no limits”. But these statements are only powders to the eyes and are completely false. France is unable to repay the principal of its debt and reimburses interest only with difficulty.

According to the French Treasury Agency (March 2015), 64.4% of the French debt is held by “non-residents”. The government has placed the future of the country in foreign hands (foreign speculators, banking institutions, etc.).

The first holder of long-term French debt is Italy with its morose and very fragile economy. It should be emphasized that Italy’s public debt is above 132% of its GDP, with an unemployment rate above 14%.

The first holder of short-term French debt is Japan, whose debt-to-GDP ratio is at least 245%. Thus, the two major creditors of France, Japan and Italy have a comatose economy. And yet they are the only ramparts of a system about to sink.

It is undeniable that the French state will sooner or later become as insolvent as Greece and the suburbs will be cut off from their supply lines; Universities, schools and closed public transport, suspended wages and closed enterprises. The claim of payment by the creditors if the debt is not honored will be the property known as the African countries. The control of the French government will become the property of these two countries. It would be a general panic, because once the confidence of the creditors of the country has disappeared, chaos will set in.

The French newspaper Mediapart resumed in its publication of November 2, 2016, an article of a German economic newspaper. In this article, the German newspaper accuses the French government of immorality, abusive expropriation and being indirectly at the source of many situations of famine, war, instability and destruction. According to this newspaper, France plundered nearly 440 billion Euros a year to Africa through France-Africa. It is a large sum, and if this figure is correct, how does France spend this sum plundered from Africa?

However, this could explain the low level of development of the African continent and its real difficulties realizing a real take off. One understands the misery and despair that push young people to leave the continent hoping to find a better life and with it all the fatal consequences of these departures. If the information is even partially proved, it would confirm what the late presidents of Gabon and ex-Zaire (DRC) said on French television sets in the 1980s: “Without Africa, France Does Not Live ‘Africa Is The Engine”

The French public debt is above 2,000 billion Euros. It cannot be reimbursed by the French nation. Public services are kept to a minimum and France’s future is really bleak. But how can a country that ransom more than 400 billion Euros each year find itself in such a critical situation that it cannot repay its debt? Does France no longer produce or sell? The 400 billion Euros collected in Africa do not come into the coffers of the State? Who really benefits from these colossal sums on the basis the standard of living of the average Frenchman has not evolved for years?

To be continued


Contributors: Raymond West from West International Petroleum LLC; Fundacion Paraiso Sin Fronteras; Mr. Paul Kokou Amouzou; Mr. Morgan Lewis, Amouzou Nkrumah Production & Mme Dominique Mazarin.