Senate Summons Multichoice Over DSTv Violations

MultiChoice Nigeria

The Senate has summoned the Minister of Industries, Trade and Investment, Mr. Emeka Enelamah; heads of the Nigerian Broadcasting Commission and the Consumer Protection Council over alleged unwholesome practices by Multichoice Nigeria, operators of Digital Satellite Television.

The red chamber also mandated the Committee on Information to organise a public hearing for all stakeholders including the civil society on how to protect Nigerian subscribers.

The recommendations followed a motion moved by Senator lsah Misau, titled, “Concern about unwholesome practices by Multichoice Nigeria (DSTV).”

He noted that Multichoice Nigeria, a subsidiary of South Africa- based Multichoice Africa, owners of the DSTV had been known to dominate the Nigerian satellite television market, thereby enabling it to engage in negative and unhealthy trade practices.

Misau further noted that in the past few years, the DSTV had constantly been in the news over one legal battle or the other with aggrieved subscribers who were dissatisfied with the programming service and alleged unreasonable subscription hikes across their various bouquets which had led to growing public complaints and petitions.

The lawmaker noted that the motion was of public interest, as a lot of football-loving Nigerians following the English Premier League were now at the mercy of DSTV, which is enjoying the monopoly of broadcast in the country

He noted that the complaints included arbitrary increase in the subscription charges and refusal to adopt the pay as you use model applicable in other climes where Multichoice operates.

The firm was also accused of moving major subscribers from low subscription bouquets to high subscription bouquets, poor service delivery and absence of toll-free lines for customers’ complaints amongst others .

The Senate President, Bukola Saraki, said that the motion was beyond the issue of DSTV but about protecting the Nigerians’ rights in the area of services.


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